Ice and Fire

I am not entirely certain what is going on in this world, Draenor, but thank the Celestials for that little goblin Gazlowe. He was able to piggyback off of the wifi signal from Shattrath City. I have it on good authority that Velen is a fan of NAARUGEAR brand routers, which, according to Gazlowe, have a phenomenal broadcast range. And if his password is Velen12345, perhaps he had this coming (note that those were Gazlowe’s words, not mine). Anyway, forgive an old man for rambling and getting away from himself.

Where was I? Oh yes. Draenor. After the well-publicised trial of former Warchief Hellscream and how it went a bit sideways at the end with that Kairoz and Wrathion aiding his escape (a fact that infuriated Lord Zhu to no end), word reached us that the Dark Portal in the Eastern Kingdoms turned red. Now, I may be new to the rest of Azeroth and never saw this portal before it changed colors, but I am mated to a mage. She knows her portals. They are not supposed to change colors for fun. Nor are they supposed to spew orcs using technology from the “True Horde”. After Lord Zhu took his ulcer medication, meditated, and had a nice long smoke of some Silkweed combined with some of my Pureblossom moonshine, he dispatched me to serve in the Vanguard. At the time, I thought it would be an honor to serve and track down Hellscream, perhaps to try and talk some sense into him. And if talking did not work, well, that is what hexing is for. Little did I know, accepting this mission would cause nothing but headaches.

After pushing back the forces of this Horde to the portal, our leader, Khadgar, had us storm through the portal, and I will never forgive Lord Zhu for sending me on this mission. The Sha had been vanquished for good after the Heart of Y’sharrj was destroyed and I had hoped to slink off to a quiet retirement farming, fishing, and spending time with my family. Before I knew it, I was stuck in a jungle in a place I had never been to, nor had ever seen in my life, with a battle raging all around me! Celestials, I had never seen a battle like that before! I had faced off against the Yaungol, Mantid, and the Sha, but never to such a degree of chaos as this battle against orcs. After our demolitionists took time to deactivate the portal, my stomach dropped. For a long time, we were stuck, fighting off this Iron Horde in a humid, sticky jungle, and I feared I would never see my family again. It didn’t take too long for us to find others who had been imprisoned by this Horde who were willing to aid us – slaves mostly, but also the Frostwolf shaman Drek’thar and a draenei exarch, Maladaar. It was fascinating to talk to the both of them, even though we could only converse in broken orcish. While it took some doing, we finally pressed the attack on the Iron Horde, blew up their Dark Portal, and fled for our lives. The survivors of the Alliance Vanguard commandeered one of the Iron Horde boats to flee south to their lands while we took ours to the northwest.

Again, the next time I see Lord Zhu, I will give him a firm smack from my staff. I do not think he knew what this mission would entail, but fleeing with the Frostwolf survivors to the coldest and snowiest place I have ever seen IS NOT WHAT I WOULD CALL A GOOD IDEA! Yes, it is the land of the Frostwolves, but I think it is actually warmer at the top of Mount Neverest! And guess who fell off of the boat when it ran aground on the shoreline? I was a frozen, shivering, wet pandaren while Thrall/Go’el/Frost Shock McStormstrike/whatever he wants to be called this week was droning on and on about seeing the land of his clan. I do not think we were supposed to let on that we were from the future, and he was doing a poor job of keeping his mouth shut. He must have mushan dung for brains. I was regarded as a curiosity among the locals, especially Durotan’s mother. But again, getting ahead of myself.

Speaking of Durotan, he is all right. A little bit of a pacifist with a “wait and see” method of thinking. Must be where Thrall gets it from. His brother, Ga’nar, though, I liked him. He was an orc who knew how to get things done! Thankfully, the Frostwolves were willing to give our surviving army some land to build an outpost. After a few months of construction (and freezing in my small tent), we had a base of operations. I think the cold may have affected some of the soldiers I arrived with. They kept calling me “commander” while there were many more actual Horde members of a much higher rank than I present. I am just here to round up Garrosh and bring him back to the Shado-Pan. I was assigned this task purely because I have contacts within the Horde. Perhaps their intended commander fell in the jungle and I was the one giving orders after? I do not know. I do like having a small outpost all to myself, that much I do know. Even if I catch Thrall stealing my shrimp dumplings out of my bags.

Once I felt secure enough to leave the garrison in Gazlowe’s capable hands, I departed for the Frostwolf village of Wor’gol. I was given an…odd welcome. I must be the first of my kind these orcs have seen. One orc even poked me while another tugged on one of my ears! I couldn’t be too mad at them. They looked no older than young Ruekie. Durotan and Ga’nar’s mother, on the other hand… Apparently not only was I a curiosity to her, being a “talking animal”, but the fact that I am also a shaman fascinated her enough to join me back at my outpost. The Frostwolves are an okay bunch, and I was willing to aid them with their problems. The Bladespire ogres to the north and the Thunderlord clan everywhere else in Frostfire had been giving them all sorts of trouble lately. Besides, the Thunderlord clan, at least, had ties to the Iron Horde, which would get me closer to my goal. As the Frostwolves made their stand against the Thunderlord, however, they lost Ga’nar. It was a noble sacrifice. He leaped into battle to buy Drek’thar time to bury the Thunderlord and cut off Frostfire from other Iron Horde incursions.

That is enough for now. Perhaps at a later time, I will tell of my travels through Gorgrond while aiding the Laughing Skull clan.

At the Writer’s Desk

Hello! Emily/Shen Wei here. I apologize for the lack of posting lately. I do still have a huge interest in the blog, but the real life raid boss wiped me. Between work-induced writer’s block and my mom breaking her arm, there hasn’t been much for me to blog about ICly for Shen, barring an amusing song parody or two. Also, once I got my WoD beta invite, all hope of loremaster was lost in lieu of exploring what Draenor has to offer. By the way, the sideways hats on the NPCs are quite the riot when you try and figure out just what in the world is on their heads (I’m looking at you, Drek’thar!). Anyway, I hope to run around on Shen a bit more in Azshara to rejuvenate my lacking creativity at the moment. In the meantime, have a funny picture of Thrall from WoD to tide you over:


“Me Thrall! Thrall want banana! Banana good for Thrall! Thrall wet himself again. Thrall need to change Doomplate before Doomplate rust…”


It’s Not Better Down Where It’s Wetter



After my adventures with Wrathion’s errands, I decided to take a little trip to…cool off, so to speak. I thought a nice, relaxing cruise was in order on my way to visit these Eastern Kingdoms to see an undead man about a horse. Sadly, not only did this Huntsman NOT have the horse I sought, out ship was attacked and we capsized just of the coast of Dun Morogh! But the horse story is a tale for another time, I fear.

After we capsized, our little crew was saved by my brothers and sisters in the Earthen Ring. Misfortune, sadly, reared its ugly head again when our safe haven was attacked by the naga. What is up with those naga, anyway? They look so familiar. Like I’ve seen then somewhere before. Perhaps it is just the imagination of an old Pandaren man. We managed to save the rest of our small crew, however, and we made war on the naga. There was a mage among us, skilled in illusion magic, and he cast some sort of spell on me to allow me to infiltrate the naga camps and penetrate their defenses. I am no rogue, but I hope I did my duty admirably. The form, well, it left something to be desired.


What in the Celestial’s name, Cordrimas? Does he have some secret fetish for the naga?! I never believe I would ever say this, but I tire of magical spells and objects transforming me into women. I was born a male, damn it!

I did take the chance while down there to get more in touch with the element of water. The Water-Speakers were good teachers, however, being so close to the Abyssal Depths was an incredible experience! I had never felt quite so powerful with my healing arts as I did down there. I wish there was a way to bottle that and take it with me! No one seemed to mind my healing, since they were already wet, anyway. I guess I washed the seawater off?

The remnants of the Twilights Hammer seem to continue their tenuous alliance with the naga down there. According to the Earthen Ring, there has been no sign of Neptulon since his mysterious disappearance some time ago. I do hope we find him soon. Who knows what those Twilights and the naga plan to do with him? I would not like to meditate on this.

The wildlife down there is interesting. While it is beautiful, I fear there are too many things down there that would wish to eat me and/or my keg totems. The whale sharks seem passive enough if not provoked, and Nespirah was…different. All of the sharks and odd little sea-goblins were a nuisance, but nothing I could handle with a well-timed chain lightning. By the way, chain lightning underwater? Not a good idea. I believe I shocked myself along with those that would attack me. What bothered me, aside from those deep sea murlocs, was that giant squid, Ozumat. I thought that Dontrag-the-squid off the coast of Towlong was bothersome! Ozumat is about ten times the size of the other and appears to have an appetite for elemental lords, according to the Earthen Ring.

Wait….perhaps that was what happened to Neptulon!

More EO Parody Madness!

(Thanks to Lorde for the lyrical inspiration! I’ve had this one brewing for a month or so, no pun intended. It just suits the raid scene so well! Real song is here:


Wait for the ready check
We’ve not yet wiped on this boss tonight
The ‘locks will stay in chains
Look upon Your gear and the raid invite
(The raid invite [x15])

Call all the healers out
They’re in their best gear
A hundred jewels on staves
A hundred jewels between gear
Now bring my tanks in
Their gear all gemmed up to the guides
The guide we love like a brother, while he tells us what to do!

Dance to the left, here comes a cleave!
Dancin’ around AoE casts as well!
Even those sleepin’, well, they don’t kill and tell!

We live in cities you’ll only see on screen
Life is real pretty and we sure know how to raid things
Living in ruins that we know how to raid without a scream
And you know, we’re on a raid team

I’m kind of over getting told to throw up a Bloodlust in the air, so there
So all the trash got broke, dead beneath our feet but it wasn’t my fault
And everyone’s competing for  gear they won’t receive
‘Cause what this boss wants is release

We live in cities you’ll only see on screen
Life is real pretty and we sure know how to raid things
Living in ruins that we know how to raid without a scream
And you know, we’re on a raid team

I’m kind of over getting told to throw a Bloodlust in the air
So there
I’m kinda older than I was when I started up this game
So there

We live in cities you’ll only see on screen
Life is real pretty and we sure know how to raid things
Living in ruins that we know how to raid without a scream
And you know, we’re on a raid team
We’re on a raid team
And you know, we’re on a raid team
We’re on a raid team
And you know, and you know, and you know

A Parody of Sorts…

(Many thanks/love to The Brothers Chaps/They Might Be Giants for this! I heard it on my WinAmp and the parody pretty much wrote itself from there! Official version here:

After all my time exploring the Earth Online world, I came across a crudely animated machinima called “Homestar Runner” and felt this song was ripe for Azerothian parody.

Weeeeelllllll, Mortimer would talk!
And Saurfang would always rock!
And Orgirmmar would be new and would pwn everyone except Mort and me!
(Eitrigg: And me!)
(Garrosh: We’ll see!)
And Tryande would be undeground in a box filled with droods!
(Tyrande: I HATE DRUIDS!)
(Garrosh: I KNOW!)
Baine would give away axes that shoot awesome OP Saurfangs!
And stupid What’s His Face would’ve been born with horns and a tail!
(Lor’themar: MY NAME IS-!)
And Genn would rock this new jacket!
(Genn: 100% Worgen fur!)
And Varian just couldn’t hack it!
(Varian: I quit!)
And Sylvanas would’t change at all except keep plaugin’ up Andorhol!
And this little weirdo (summons up Velen) would turn into a modestly hot girl, to help me through the hard times! Except they’d only be sorta hot so they don’t mess around with other elves!

30 Days of Character Development: Bahunada Darkhide

(Yet more fun with another one of my characters! This one is a bit darker than Shen, so ye be warned!)


1.) Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no?

I have always had a tenuous relationship with my parents. Being a Tauren, we have always been raised more as a child of the tribe than a typical family setting. I was raised by the Grimtotems, so draw your conclusions from that. My parents died when Deathwing flooded Thousand Needles, so I do not know if they get along. Wherever they are, I am sure it is far too good for them, though.

2.) What are your character’s most prominent physical features?

My dark fur. It is why I changed my name to Darkhide after leaving the tribe. Although you can still see the stains of the old warpant the Grimtotem favor.

3.) Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?

I have far too many to name. Before I ran off, I was one of Magatha’s favorite gladiators. You’re not quite a gladiator if you don’t have scars to prove it.

4.) How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?

What kind of question is this? I’m just lucky I was accepted by the Runetotem tribe after leaving. My appearance, and self-worth tied to said appearance, have no value in my life!

5.) What’s your character’s ranking on the KINSEY SCALE?

What the? I don’t know what this means. You would have to ask my life-mate, Alek on that one.

6.) Describe your character’s happiest memory.

It happens to be a tie between my life-mate ceremony with Alek and adopting her niece as our child.

7.) Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why?

Not at all. If it was not for Magatha’s treachery, I would not be part of the Runetotem tribe, nor mated to my Alek.

8.) Day of Favorites! What’s your character’s favorite ice cream flavor? Color? Song? Flower?

Ice cream? What is that? I like a nice bronze, like my mate’s armor. As for songs, I do love the song that the druids and shaman play with their instruments called Call of the Elements. Have you ever heard it? My favorite flower? Peacebloom. It gives me hope that life will calm for us Tauren someday.

9.) Who does your character trust?

Alek, Chieftan Bloodhoof, and all the members of the Runetotem tribe.

10.) Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable.

The day Magatha rigged the Mak’gora between Garrosh and Cairne. That was what caused me to leave the tribe. I was used to Gladiatorial combat, not survival, and Alek’togia found me. She mentored me on what it means to be a warrior of the Tauren. After my Rite of the Hunt, I was a true member of the Runetotem tribe. A few weeks later, I was her life-mate.

11.) Is there an animal you equate with your character?

The kodo! Mighty, strong, proud, and unwilling to bend or break to another’s will. I think it suits me perfectly.

12.) How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Letters or email?

I submitted a letter to Warchief Garrosh’s blog once. I do not know if it made it through. As it is, I am telling all of this to a Pandaren Shaman who is writing all of my responses down. I am surprised by the speed of his quill as I talk. I tend to talk quickly.

13.) What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?

I would say our “bed” is fairly neat. Alek and I sleep on an arrangement of rugs and skins, and there is little need for blankets in Mulgore. The nights are warm, and they would wind up tangled around our hooves. I usually sleep with my arms around my life-mate, or her arms around me. We seem to wake up that way as well.

14.) How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?

Extreme heat does not bother me much. Extreme cold does not bother me much either. I may hug my cloak around myself if I were to venture back to Northrend, though. It was very cold up there.

15.) Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl?

I have always been an early riser, due to my Gladiatorial training. Warrior training is not so different. At night, I do not fall asleep right away, especially if Alek is back in our tent with me. There is much I wish to ask her about her travels to Pandaria, plus we have a calf to care for.

16.) Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative?

Are you Magatha, answer seeker? If you are, I will not hesitate to bring your head to Warchief Hellscream on a silver platter! When I forsook the Grimtotem, I forsook the entire tribe. I would hate for you to meet the same fate as they did. Nevertheless, I count the Runetotem, and all who dwell on Thunder Bluff, as family.

17.) What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy?

I do not keep a desk. My armor is placed away with extreme care, hanging just below my axe and out of the way of our young calf’s reach.

18.) Is your character a good cook? What’s their favorite recipe, whether they’re good or not? (Microwave mac-and-cheese applies.)

I can cook a mean roasted kodo steak, and those nice Mag’har in Nagrand taught me how to roast a talbuk and clefthoof in the same manner. They do need more spices, though.

19.) What’s your character’s preferred means of travel?

I prefer to travel on the back of my kodo, or my wyvern. It depends how swiftly I need to reach where I travel. If not, there is always heroic leap and charge to get there on hoof!

20.) Does your character have any irrational fears?

Magatha still haunts my dreams, that she would come in the night and have those loyal to her kill my wife and our calf. I have not told this to anyone before.

21.) What would your character’s CUTIE MARK be?

A totem pole. All the better to smash your head in for asking such a stupid question!

22.) If your character could time travel, where would they go?

No where. I believe life is a gift from the Earth Mother, and who are we to meddle with her plan for us? As a mother, I cannot help but wonder what my sweet little calf will be like when she grows up.

23.) Is your character superstitious?

Super-wha? I do not know what this one means.

24.) What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be?

Someone who could best me in battle! Of course, that honor already goes to my life-mate.

25.) Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby?

I believe my hands are like any other Tauren’s. Calloused from battle and long (even if others think our three fingers are odd).

26.) Second day of favorites! Favorite comfort food, favorite vice, favorite outfit, favorite hot drink, favorite time of year, and favorite holiday.

My favorite comfort food would be Alek’s Wildfoul Breast. She learned how to make it in Pandaria and it is very tasty! My vice would be fighting! You can take the girl out of the gladiatorial arena, but you can’t take the gladiator out of the girl! My favorite hot drink would be Peacebloom tea. It is very calming. My favorite time of year and holiday correspond. I love winter in Mulgore and I love Winter’s Veil. It was around this time that Alek found me.

27.) Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them.

((More OoC glory! For Huna, I would pick Grizabella the Glamour Cat from CATS while wandering after deserting her tribe and Winter by Joshua Radin for her after her life-mate ceremony and realization she didn’t have to be so angry all the time.))


28.) If your character’s life was a genre, what would it be?

Clearly it would be an action/drama.

29.) How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne?

I believe I smell like a Tauren in battle. Steel, sweat, and blood. Although my soap smells nice, like Silverleaf.

30.) And finally: Write a letter to your character, from yourself.


Please do not lose yourself to anger. Pandaria is a dangerous place to lose yourself in negative emotions and you have a wife and calf to think of. Remember what Alek told you about. You are a strong woman. Stronger than whatever Magatha has to throw at you.


Travel Log: Azshara! (Part 1)

I will admit, Azshara was far easier to reach in my travels, just being outside Orgrimmar’s main gate. I cannot fathom what kind of operation is running out there, though. If it was the Shado-Pan running this operation, all of the problems would have been handled permanently (it seriously helps when you have top Pandaren on the payroll). There were Night Elves assaulting the main gate and Goblin shredders running wild out there! Meanwhile, the goblin foreman, Grabbit, was beside himself with the Kor’kron commander yelling at him. Yet another time I wish I did not have my keen sense of smell. Goblin urine…ick! These problems posed little challenge for me, to be quite honest. I even felt a little refreshed when I switched to my Spirit Wolf form and bit some of the Night Elf scouts. Then there were some problems at a nearby mine. I will never understand Goblins.

My next adventure came from a pretty elf woman who asked me to investigate the ghosts around a nearby lake. Being accustomed to spirits, it was another trivial task. Then the elf asked me to become one with one of the spirits. That, I will admit, I am less comfortable with.

ImageI do not believe this is what I signed up for when I started my travels. I was so…SKINNY! And no fur! But it was for a good cause. The elf asked me to discover what had happened at the lake. It turns out that these ghosts were students at an old Highborne school, protecting their outpost from the Burning Legion and they paid for it with their lives. A more noble undertaking, I cannot imagine.

After shaking off the unsettling feeling of becoming an undead elf, I decided to do some exploration of the area. Did you know that the Goblins have their own resort out there?! With a swimming hole and everything! I could not pass up the temptation for a little rest and relaxation, so I decided to stop there for the day. I will have more later, after I sleep off these drinks… They kept refilling my little coconut cup with rum. How could I resist?


A Most Strange Occurance…

(Apologies to Averry over at the Warchief’s Command Board for this post. I blame all those late-night WoW sessions for this!)

I had the most unusual encounter last week in the Undercity. As you know, last week was Children’s Week, so I decided to venture forth and adopt my own orphan orc for the week. It was a wonderful journey, full of fun and adventure. Then, Grunth asked me to take him to the Undercity to meet with the Banshee Queen. Never having been there myself, I agreed. Oh, Celestials, the stench in that place! It is times like this I wish I did not have the keen nose I have!

However, I am distracting myself. While Grunth rushed up to talk to Sylvanas, who was treating everyone to an impromptu concert, a female Draenei leaped into view just as I was about to snap a picture of our visit on one of those Goblin devices!

Shay photobomb


She introduced herself as Shayari, then asked me if I liked her hat. Now, I may be new to this whole “two factions at war” thing, but I find it highly suspect that a female Draenei was running around the Undercity, with the Warchief’s axe no less! She also asked, if I were to post this here, that she promises to return the axe once she was done dealing with an orc named Bragor. He apparently made some sort of remark about her that was unseemly, so she “borrowed” the axe to deal with him. I do not question her motives, but I cannot blame her for her reaction. If it were my Sunny those remarks were made to, I would have deep-fried him with lightning and returned the ashes to Orgrimmar via Fourth Rate Goblin post!

30 Days of Character Development: Shen Wei

((I know, this was meant to be more active. I’ll see about pulling some all-nighty type thing where I can get Shen through some of the easier zones before my sub runs out on Sunday. Anyway, have a filler-type post in the meantime. It was something I had always wanted to do for some of my characters, anyway. Might do more of these until my work hours and therefore paycheck are more kind to me once the sub goes dark. Anyway, onto the main event!))


1.) Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no?

I had a very good relationship with my parents. I was born in Binan Village, but my family relocated to the farming community around Halfhill. It was fun growing up on the farm, and seeing the sprouting vegetables being much larger than I was at such a young age! I would say that I was spoiled, since I was an only child, but I learned to share with the other children in the community. My parents gladly got along until the end of their days. I think that their spirits still get along in the afterlife.

2.) What are your character’s most prominent physical features?

You mean other than my girth, which many an adventurer find amusing. I would say my beard. It is long, braided into one tail, and my grandcub absolutely loves to tug at the thing!

3.) Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?

Every member of the Shado-Pan has scars from one of our clashes. Some physical, some emotional. I bear both. One of the more prominent physical scars I have is a set of claw marks over my right eye. I was young and thought I would give hunting a try, and those tigers can be quite delicious with the right spices! However, it got the best of me until I shocked it off of me with an elemental blast.

4.) How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?

I consider myself an attractive Pandaren. I mean, my wife still finds me appealing, so there is no harm in thinking that.

5.) What’s your character’s ranking on the KINSEY SCALE?

What is this? Oh, I see. Silly Google machine. I rank a firm zero. I have only ever had eyes for the ladies. One Snow Lily in particular.

6.) Describe your character’s happiest memory.

It is either the day I met my beloved Ling, the day I married her, the days my children were born, or the day my grandcub came into the world. There are just so many to pick from!

7.) Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why?

The day my son joined me in the Shado-Pan. If he had not followed in my footsteps, Hassun would still live. To this day, it is my biggest regret.

8.) Day of Favorites! What’s your character’s favorite ice cream flavor? Color? Song? Flower?

Ice cream?! There are so many wonderful flavors! I have always been partial to a nice, serene blue. You know that one song you hear sometimes that the innkeepers around Pandaria like? The one with the kazoo? Love it. Snow Lilies because they remind me of my beautiful wife.

9.) Who does your character trust?

There are many I trust. My family, my fellow members of the Shado-Pan, those Earthen Ring fellows… Oh! That nice young Shaman that Warchief Hellscream has around.

10.) Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable.

The day I met Ling. I was traveling to Halfhill to take a kite back to the Shado-Pan Monastery and she was there, learning how to cook. Passing my Trial of the Red Blossoms and becoming a full member of the Shado-Pan. The day my children were born, which is an easy one to explain for those of you with young ones in your life. The day I had to kill my son when the Sha overtook him. Then there was the day the adventurers from beyond the mists arrived. I had no idea what I was getting myself into with that one! The Horde camp seemed the most easily-accessible and their Warchief isn’t half bad, despite that temper of his!

11.) Is there an animal you equate with your character?

Two words. Spirit Wolf. Easy when I have to run to the back lines to help our warriors recover in a battle. I must thank the Earthen Ring for showing me that particular method of transportation!

12.) How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Letters or email?

I feel I am getting better with this technology thing. I have taken to Twitter, and my daughter has shown me that Earth Online game, plus she showed me how to put Twitter on my Tinder e-reader thingie. Now I’m blogging. Progress at its finest! I prefer traditional methods of communication, however. Letters seem much more meaningful than an email.

13.) What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep?

The bed is a bit of a mess, I will give it that. I flop over onto my stomach when I sleep, and, according to Ling, I am a bit of a blanket hog. I usually wind up waking up on my side, cuddling something.

14.) How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold?

Have you seen Pandaria? We have many varying climates. If I could not function in any of them, I would be a sad Pandaren, given how much I travel. Although I do prefer a nice windwool shirt underneath my armor for those excursions up to the mountains of Kun-Lai.

15.) Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl?

I am a little of both, but do not talk to me until I’ve had my morning cup of Kafa.

16.) Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative?

I sadly never had much of a chance to get to know any extended family. We were fairly isolated in the Valley, beyond the peaks surrounding Kun-Lai. And, well, you’ve seen that Saurok tunnel between the Veiled Stair and Binan. I consider my Shado-Pan allies like family, even if we are not in the traditional sense.

17.) What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy?

*glances at workdesk covered in totems, elemental odds and ends, jewelcrafting supplies, various ores and gems, and even old vials of fish oil* Next question, please?

18.) Is your character a good cook? What’s their favorite recipe, whether they’re good or not? (Microwave mac-and-cheese applies.)

I would not call myself a good cook. I usually ask far too much of the elements and wind up with charred food, so I let my wife do the cooking. Even those instant noodles they teach to the younglings in Halfhill wind up a disaster. However, she makes a mean Shrimp Dumpling. Her Swirling Mist Soup is not to be missed, either!

19.) What’s your character’s preferred means of travel?

I prefer on foot in my Spirit Wolf form (there is no amount of thanks I have for the Earthen Ring for teaching me that! Perhaps a nice gift basket filled with food?), however my trusted yak and onyx serpent are wonderful for covering long distances. I had a most peculiar circumstance where I acquired a very strange drake in the swamps of Dustwallow.

20.) Does your character have any irrational fears?

All fears are irrational. We have been trained to not allow our fears to overtake us. However, that thing with my son? It does not bear any repeats.

21.) What would your character’s CUTIE MARK be?

What does this one even mean? Blasted Google machine took me someplace scary when I tried to look it up.

22.) If your character could time travel, where would they go?

I do not believe that we should meddle in the past, nor glimpse a future that might be. Those actions could have dire consequences. And I do not trust that Kairoz fellow.

23.) Is your character superstitious?

Does the whole Sha thing count? If not, there are some farming tales I tend to believe are true. Being nice to Virmen yields better harvests. Tried and true on that one! They leave our crops alone.

24.) What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be?

Now this is possibly the silliest question on this list. My wife is my ideal romantic partner. She is warm, kind, beautfiul, but not afraid to fling a few fireballs if you make her mad.

25.) Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby?

I take it back. This one is silly. I have paws. Of course they will be stubby! I grew up on a farm, fighting back the shadowy demons of negative emotion. Do my hands look like a Mudclaw’s?

26.) Second day of favorites! Favorite comfort food, favorite vice, favorite outfit, favorite hot drink, favorite time of year, and favorite holiday.

Ah-ha! At last one that makes sense! A nice bowl of Swirling Mist Soup, a pipe of Silkweed (usually shared with Ling), my battle-raiment, Green Tea made from fresh-picked leaves, Autumn, and I’ve become quite partial to this Brewfest I keep hearing about.

27.) Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them.

((Little OoC for this one. Shen would definitely be I Fought In A War by Belle and Sebastian from his Shado-Pan side of life and All My Days by Alexi Murdoch for the more quiet non-battleriffic side of his life. For lols I add in the Panda Song by Deerhoof because he’s a Pandaren.))

28.) If your character’s life was a genre, what would it be?

My life would probably be a dark comedy at this point. Not sure what that means, but it sounds appropriate.

29.) How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne?

I don’t wear any cologne. Blowback from those idiots using those silly perfume sprayers during that Love Is In the Air festival do not count! I’ve been told I smell like the sky before it rains or smokey like a fire, depending on what was required of me that day.

30.) And finally: Write a letter to your character, from yourself.


If you ate the last cookie, I refuse to drop a healing totem when you’re having your ass handed to you on the battlefield.



An Introduction of Sorts


Hello Azeroth online! My name is Shen Wei Pureblossom. I am a battle-mender and elementalist for the Shado-Pan, although my recent travels with the Horde Warchief around Pandaria have prompted me to leave my homeland for an adventure. I am hoping to explore all of Azeroth and beyond, however long that may take. I look forward to starting this journey.

As for myself, I am most known for being a touch…gruff with the trainees I come across. You would be surprised by how well a staff hit to the head will quell any misbehavior among the ranks. I have been married many wonderful years to the most wonderful woman, Yu Ling. She is a mage in the service to the Celestial Yu’lon. Together, we raised our children and watched them grow. My daughter, Sunchati, is a priestess to the Chi-Ji, although she has recently retired from a life of adventure. She and her husband, Zian, have settled down in the Valley of the Four Winds to raise their son, Hassun. It is a most honorable undertaking, and definitely the most worthwhile. I will just have to spoil my grandcub rotten with gifts from my travels! We had a son as well, but he perished during the first major manifestations of the Sha after the outsiders landed on Pandaria. My dear Sunny honored him by naming her son after her brother.

Now, as for where I start my adventures, that is where you, my dear readers, come in! I know little about the world outside of Pandaria, aside from what other adventurers have told me. So, where should I start my journey?